20 Years of Waiting to Take ePA Off the Ground—BUT don't worry—"Digitale Gesundheitsagentur" may fix it❓❓❓ Click the button to learn more: 👇 👇 👇
And the saga continues!! Minister Karl Lauterbach's latest move to transform gematik GmbH into a digital health agency has stirred quite a debate. After years of grappling with the ePA, which feels like it took almost two decades just to become outdated, we now stand on the brink of another ambitious endeavor. 😕
The promise is a faster implementation of ERezept and other digital innovations; one can't help but notice the irony. For a system meant to streamline, it seems like we've added another layer of bureaucracy. How will this "streamlined" approach ensure efficiency? The agency can now tender contracts, potentially limiting the market to a select few providers. Will this actually spur competition or stifle innovation?
I also wonder how an entity responsible for approving technology can fairly compete in the same market?? Or is this just another way to apply pressure on private companies to improve their offerings?
Also, a promise to sanction and even withdraw faulty products sounds great in theory, but can this agency really deliver on accountability? Remember the MediSign debacle, where disruptions left pharmacists reverting to paper prescriptions?
Real action is long overdue, Bundesministerium für Gesundheit— we appreciate the efforts, acknowledge the bold steps taken towards this change, and look forward to seeing how this agency may finally have the teeth to enforce standards. 🤞 🤞