A Drug & Device Evidence Expert,
Neurophysiologist & Consultant.
Short. Precise. Effective.
Development of a Digital Assistance System for the Communication of Personalized Health Information in the Context of Chronic Diseases. HMD Praxis der Wirtschaftsinformatik (2022).
Can we trust a chatbot like a physician? A qualitative study on understanding the emergence of trust toward diagnostic chatbots. International Journal of Human-Computer Studies (2022).
The Advance of Diagnosis Chatbots: Should we First Avoid Distrust before we Focus on Trust? ECIS (2021).
Towards a Model for Building Trust and Acceptance of Artificial Intelligence Aided Medical Assessment Systems. EMAC (2020).
Blocking effects in non-conditioned goal-directed behavior. Brain Structure & Function (2017).
On the effects of multimodal information integration in multitasking. Scientific Reports (2017).
Methylphenidate modulates gain modulation processes during competitive auditory attention in a dose–response fashion. Clinical Neurophysiology (2018).
The norepinephrine system and its relevance for multi-component behavior. Neuroimage (2016).
Improvements of sensorimotor processes during action cascading associated with changes in sensory processing architecture – insights from sensory deprivation. Scientific Reports (2016).
Age-related differences in task goal processing strategies during action cascading. Brain Structure & Functions (2016).
The importance of sensory integration processes for action cascading. Scientific Reports (2015).
Binds and Bounds of Communion: Effects of Interpersonal Values on Assumed Similarity of Self and Others. Journal of Personality & Social Psychology (2012).
Dopamine Modulates the Efficiency of Sensory Evidence Accumulation During Perceptual Decision Making. The International Journal of Neuropsychopharmacology (2018).
Neural mechanisms underlying successful and deficient multi-component behavior in early adolescent ADHD. Neuroimage: Clinical (2018).
Sensory processes modulate differences in multi-component behavior and cognitive control between childhood and adulthood. Human Brain Mapping (2017).
ADHD patients fail to maintain task goals in face of subliminally and consciously induced cognitive conflicts. Psychological Medicine (2017).
Effects of copper toxicity on response inhibition processes: a study in Wilson’s Disease. Archives of Toxicology (2016).
Lateral prefrontal anodal transcranial direct current stimulation augments resolution of auditory perceptual-attentional conflicts. Neuroimage (2019).
Modulatory effects of anodal transcranial direct current stimulation on fronto-striatal gain control of the interplay between selective attention and perception. Clinical Neurophysiology (2018).
The system-neurophysiological basis for how methylphenidate modulates perceptual-attentional conflicts during auditory processing. Human Brain Mapping (2018).
Questioning the role of the frontopolar cortex in multi-component behavior - A TMS/EEG study. Nature: Scientific Reports (2016).